
PIK3CA is detected as a mutational cancer driver

PIK3CA reports

Gene details
Gene ID ENSG00000121879
Transcript ID ENST00000263967
Protein ID ENSP00000263967
Cancer types where is driver 47
Cohorts where is driver 109
Mutated samples 2,473
Mutations 3,054
Known driver True
Method signals per Cancer Type
Cancer type Methods Samples Samples (%)
ClustL HotMAPS smRegions Clustered Mutations
CBaSE dNdScv Recurrent Mutations
FML Functional Mutations
MutPanning Tri-nucleotide specific bias
combination Combination
In-silico saturation mutagenesis
Alt text
In silico saturation mutagenesis profiles across all tumor types where a specific model is available. Driver mutations (displayed as red dots) are mapped to their positions in the canonical transcript. The dendrogram on the right represents a hierarchical clustering of the profiles based on site-by-site concordance via Matthews Correlation similarity. The track on the top displays the Pfam domains mapping to the canonical transcript. See the FAQs for more details about the in silico saturation mutagenesis computed with boostDM.
Observed mutations in tumors
The mutations needle plot shows the distribution of the observed mutations along the protein sequence.
Mutation (GRCh38) Protein Position Samples Consequence