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Download the catalog of driver genes from the current release of intOGen
Release date 2024.09.20

This dataset comprises the unfiltered list of driver genes (unfiltered_drivers.tsv) across the cohorts analyzed in the current release of intOGen. It also includes the catalog of driver genes (drivers.tsv) alongside their mutational features across the cohorts analyzed in the current release of intOGen. Information such as tumor type of the cohort, number of mutated samples, method-specific significance, combined significance or mode of action is also incorporated into these tables. The README.txt file describes each of the table's columns.

Martínez-Jiménez F., Muiños F., Sentís I., Deu-Pons J., Reyes-Salazar I., Arnedo-Pac C., Mularoni L., Pich O., Bonet J., Kranas H, Abel Gonzalez-Perez A. and Lopez-Bigas N. A compendium of mutational cancer driver genes . Nature Reviews Cancer

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Download the table with information of the datasets used in the current release of intOGen
Release date 2024.09.20

The file cohorts.tsv contains a table providing specifics, such as number of samples, biopsy type, download source or literature reference, of the cohorts analyzed in this release of intOGen. It also includes a README.txt file with a detailed explanation of the Table columns.

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Previous releases

Catalog of driver genes and dataset information (2023.05.31)

The datasets information contains a table providing specifics, such as number of samples, biopsy type, download source or literature reference, of the cohorts analyzed in this release of intOGen. It also includes a README.txt file with a detailed explanation of the Table columns.

The catalog of drivers gene comprises of the unfiltered list of driver genes (unfiltered_drivers.tsv) across the cohorts analyzed in the release of intOGen 2023. It also includes the catalog of driver genes (drivers.tsv) alongside their mutational features across the cohorts analyzed in the release of intOGen 2023. Information such as tumor type of the cohort, number of mutated samples, method-specific significance, combined significance or mode of action is also incorporated into these tables. The README.txt file describes each of the table's columns.

Martínez-Jiménez F., Muiños F., Sentís I., Deu-Pons J., Reyes-Salazar I., Arnedo-Pac C., Mularoni L., Pich O., Bonet J., Kranas H, Abel Gonzalez-Perez A. and Lopez-Bigas N. A compendium of mutational cancer driver genes . Nature Reviews Cancer

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Catalog of driver genes and dataset information (2020.02.01)

The datasets information contains a table providing specifics, such as number of samples, biopsy type, download source or literature reference, of the cohorts analyzed in this release of intOGen. It also includes a README.txt file with a detailed explanation of the Table columns.

The catalog of drivers gene comprises of the unfiltered list of driver genes (all_drivers05.tsv) across the cohorts analyzed in the current release of intOGen. It also includes the catalog of driver genes (drivers.tsv) alongside their mutational features across the cohorts analyzed in the current release of intOGen. This catalog is created after post-processing the unfiltered list of driver genes for each input cohort. Information such as tumor type of the cohort, number of mutated samples, method-specific significance, combined significance or mode of action is also incorporated into these tables. The README.txt file describes each of the table's columns.

Martínez-Jiménez F., Muiños F., Sentís I., Deu-Pons J., Reyes-Salazar I., Arnedo-Pac C., Mularoni L., Pich O., Bonet J., Kranas H, Abel Gonzalez-Perez A. and Lopez-Bigas N. A compendium of mutational cancer driver genes . Nature Reviews Cancer

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Catalog of driver genes and dataset information (2019.11.12)

The dataset information contains a table providing specifics, such as number of samples, biopsy type, download source or literature reference, of the cohorts analyzed in this release of intOGen. It also includes a README.txt file with a detailed explanation of the Table columns.

The catalog of driver genes comprises the unfiltered list of driver genes (all_drivers05.tsv) across the cohorts analyzed in the current release of intOGen. It also includes the catalog of driver genes (drivers.tsv) alongside their mutational features across the cohorts analyzed in the current release of intOGen. This catalog is created after post-processing (link to docs) the unfiltered list of driver genes for each input cohort. Information such as tumor type of the cohort, number of mutated samples, method-specific significance, combined significance or mode of action is also incorporated into these tables. The README.txt file describes each of the table's columns.

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Catalog of driver mutations (2016.5)

This database contains the results of the driver analysis performed by the Cancer Genome Interpreter across 6,792 exomes of a pan-cancer cohort of 28 tumor types. Validated oncogenic mutations are identified according to the state-of-the-art clinical and experimental data, whereas the effect of the mutations of unknown significance is predicted by the OncodriveMUT method.

Tamborero D., Rubio-Perez C., Deu-Pons J., Schroeder M., Vivancos A., Rovira A., Tusquets I, Albanell J., Rodon J., Tabernero J., Dienstmann R., Gonzalez-Perez A. and Lopez-Bigas N. Cancer Genome Interpreter annotates the biological and clinical relevance of tumor alterations . Genome Medicine

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Cancer Drivers Database (2014.12)

This database contains information on the genes identified as drivers in Rubio-Perez and Tamborero et al. (2015). It contains information on driver identification at mutational, CNA and gene fusion level. Additional ancillary information about the role and major clonality of drivers is also included. A table is also provided with the list of datasets used for mutational driver identification.

Rubio-Perez, C., Tamborero, D., Schroeder, MP., Antolín, AA., Deu-Pons,J., Perez-Llamas, C., Mestres, J., Gonzalez-Perez, A., Lopez-Bigas, N. In silico prescription of anticancer drugs to cohorts of 28 tumor types reveals novel targeting opportunities. Cancer Cell 27 (2015), pp. 382-396

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Cancer Drivers Actionability Database (2014.12)

This database contains data on the interactions with therapeutic agents an driver genes contained in Cancer Drivers Database (2014.12). It characterizes the interacting therapeutic agents in terms of clinical phase and cancer prescription, among other features. Additionally, it contains ancillary information on specific genomic alterations associated to drug effectiveness which are FDA approved or clinically being tested together with data on other genomic alterations known to be responsible of drug primary resistance.

Rubio-Perez, C., Tamborero, D., Schroeder, MP., Antolín, AA., Deu-Pons,J., Perez-Llamas, C., Mestres, J., Gonzalez-Perez, A., Lopez-Bigas, N. In silico prescription of anticancer drugs to cohorts of 28 tumor types reveals novel targeting opportunities. Cancer Cell 27 (2015), pp. 382-396

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TCGA pan-cancer12 high confidence drivers (2013)

This file lists the High Confidence Drivers identified as part of the pan-cancer12 initiative, published in the paper Comprehensive identification of mutational cancer driver genes across 12 tumor types" Scientific Reports 3:2650, 2013, doi:10.1038/srep02650

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Cancer driver database (2013)

Mutations, genes and pathways involved in tumorigenesis across 4,623 cancer genomes/exomes from 13 cancer sites.

IntOGen-mutations identifies cancer drivers across tumor types. Nature Methods 10, 2013, doi:10.1038/nmeth.2642

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Intogen Arrays (2010)

Genes and pathways affected by expression and copy number changes in tumors across projects and cancer types.

Gundem G, Perez-Llamas C, Jene-Sanz A, Kedzierska A, Islam A, Deu-Pons J, Furney S and Lopez-Bigas N. IntOGen: Integration and data-mining of multidimensional oncogenomic data, Nature Methods 7, 92-93, 2010, doi:10.1038/nmeth0210-92.

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