
FAT4 is detected as a mutational cancer driver in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

FAT4 reports in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)

Cancer type details
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Cohorts 2
Samples 564
Mutations 22,065,649
Driver genes 48
Gene details
Ensembl ID ENSG00000196159
Transcript ID ENST00000674496
Protein ID ENSP00000501473
Cohorts where is driver 1
Mutated samples 68
Mutated samples (%) 12.06
Mutations 93
Mode of action Activating
Known driver True
Method signals per Cohort
Cohort Methods Samples Samples (%)
ClustL HotMAPS smRegions Clustered Mutations
CBaSE dNdScv Recurrent Mutations
FML Functional Mutations
MutPanning Tri-nucleotide specific bias
combination Combination
Observed mutations in tumors
The mutations needle plot shows the distribution of the observed mutations along the protein sequence.
Mutation (GRCh38) Protein Position Samples Samples (%) Consequence